Saturday, February 25, 2017

Are You Listening?

Samuel answered, "Speak for Your servant hears."
                              1 Samuel 3:10)

'The goal of my spiritual life is such a close
identification with Jesus Christ that I will
always hear and know that God always hears
me. What hinders me from hearing is my
attention to other things. It is not that I don't
want to hear God, but I am not devoted in
the right areas of my life. God may say
whatever He wants, but I just don't hear Him.'
(Oswald Chambers)

There are so many distractions and
so much noise in our modern world that it
is almost impossible to hear that still small
voice throughout the day. Samuel heard the
voice of the Lord in the dark of the night.
His spirit was always awake to the call of
God through the priest, but that night God
had something very personal to share with
Samuel himself. Are you listening?

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