Thursday, March 16, 2017

Leave the Results with God

Throughout most of my 20’s, one of the biggest struggles I faced was over whether or not I was impacting people. While my public ministry didn’t begin until I was in my early 30’s, I was active in my local fellowship all throughout my 20’s. I did some speaking and trying my hand at writing (mainly in the form of pamphlets, since we didn’t have blogs back then). My 20’s were my training ground for what would happen later.

However, during that period of my life, I remember being consumed with knowing whether or not my words were having an impact, or falling to the ground. Eventually, I learned to drop this entire way of thinking. While it was difficult, I began leaving the results completely to the Lord, not measuring anything by the response of others, whether they were positive or nonexistent.

I’m writing this for those of you who may be battling the same thing. Are you focused on whether or not your speaking and/or writing is impacting others? If you are, give it up for Lent. Make your only concentration the experience of what you’re teaching, and also to be faithful. Leave the results in God’s hands.

- Frank Viola

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