Friday, July 20, 2018

He Will Do It

He will do this   Psalm 37:5

I once believed that after I prayed, it was my respon-
sibility to do everything in my power to bring about
the answer. Yet God taught me a better way and
showed me that self-effort always hinders His work.
He also revealed that when I prayed and had confi-
dent trust in Him for something, He simply wanted
me to wait in an attitude of praise and do only what
He told me. Sitting still, doing nothing except trust-
ing in the Lord, causes a feeling of uncertainty, and
there is often a tremendous temptation to take the
battle into our own hands...

Often we fail to give God an opportunity to work,
not realizing that it takes time for Him to answer
prayer. It takes time for God to color a rose or to
grow a great oak tree. And it takes time for Him to
make bread from wheat fields. He takes the soil,
then grinds and softens it. He enriches it and wets
it with rain showers and with dew. Then He brings
the warmth of life of life to the small blade of grass,
later grows the stalk and the amber grain. After a
season Man harvests the ripened grain to make the

All this takes time. Therefore we sow the seed, till
the ground, and then wait and trust until God's pur-
pose is fulfilled. We understand the principle when
it comes to planting a field, and we need to learn
the same lesson regarding our prayer life. It takes
time for God to answer prayer.

- J. H. M.  Charles Henry MacIntosh 1820-1896

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