Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Did You Ever Weep?

This is one of only two times in the four Gospels that we are told Jesus wept? Surely this is extraordinary. The Gospel of Luke says he is weeping for the city. What is the city? It is God’s holy city, or was supposed to be; but what a long, long history of disobedience and disappointment! How Jerusalem had abandoned her holy calling! For a thousand years God had been preparing her through the prophets to meet her Messiah, her Saviour, her Redeemer; now, as the Messiah at last appears, she is going to arrest him on a trumped-up charge, try him in the middle of the night, flog him nearly to death, and execute him the way we execute serial killers and terrorist bombers, though in an infinitely worse manner.
Yet Jesus does not weep for himself. He weeps for the city. He weeps for those who will soon shout “Crucify him!" In other words, he weeps for us.

Did anyone ever Weep for you? Did your mother shed tears because you did something that disappointed her? Did your father weep for you because you got into trouble? Or did a daughter weep because her father abused her? Did a son weep because his father blamed him for something he never did? Did you weep for a friend lost on the battlefield or in an air crash? Did you weep for a child lost in the drug culture or for a grandchild kicked out of school?  Did you weep for someone committing a hideous injustice? Everyone has grieved for the victims in Christchurch massacre, but what about the man in jail? Do we weep for him too?  All  these tears and every tear that has ever been shed by anyone anywhere are rolled up into the tears of Jesus.  Jesus weeps for us. The Son of God weeps for you.

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