Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Steve McVey Writes:

Lets stop worrying and just trust 

I have vague memories of the Cuban Missile Crisis that happened in 1962 when I was a young child. Some say it was the closest the United States has ever been to nuclear war. One of the main things I remember is that our church family brought canned food and bottled water and put it under a stairway inside the church building. The plan was that we would all would all gather together at church if a missile were to be launched against us.

As my young friends and I explored, we sat under the stairs with the stockpile of food and water and I thought to myself, "This wouldn't be a bad place to stay for awhile." I wasn't worried about the potential danger at hand. I knew something very bad could happen, but reasoned that my parents would take care of me. So while adults worried and prayed and collected bottles of water and cans of food, I laughed and played without a care in the world.

This seemed to be the way of the early church, even in the face of persecution. The second chapter of Acts describes a group of people who laughed and loved, who shared meals and money; people who enjoyed life by trusting their Father regardless of threats that may have been nearby. Even in the fact of potential danger, joy was the order of the day. They would have fully affirmed C. S. Lewis's claim that "joy is the serious business of heaven."

A spirit of God-centered calmness is often conspicuously absent in contemporary Christianity. What urgent matters have we allowed to rob us of our playful spirit? Aren't we people of faith? We are going to live forever. Temporal things won't even be remembered, let alone matter a hundred years from now. Sure, they matter now but let's put it all in perspective. What are we trying to prove by our stress-filled agendas and to whom are we trying to prove it? There's no doubt about it, most of us need to relax.

Don’t be tempted to think that circumstances have the power to steal an attitude of rejoicing. New Testament believers didn’t have it easy either. Acts 16 describes a very hard situation faced by Paul and Silas on the first missionary trip to Europe. They had just finished preaching when a riot broke out. The Bible describes it:

“ The crowd rose up together against them, and the chief magistrates tore their robes off them and proceeded to order them to be beaten with rods. When they had struck them with many blows, they threw them into prison, commanding the jailer to guard them securely; and he, having received such a command, threw them into the inner prison and fastened their feet in the stocks. But about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns of praise to God, and the prisoners were listening to them; and suddenly there came a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison house were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone's chains were unfastened” (Acts 16:22-26).

With their own lives in jeopardy, Paul and Silas sang. What a display of confidence that their Father would take care of them! They knew that the worst thing that could happen would be that they might soon be brought home to heaven and that is no threat!

What threatening circumstance do you find yourself in today? Whatever it is, God knows about it and He will take care of you. When we don't maintain an attitude of internal joy that can't be touched by external circumstances, the rhythms of grace in our life become discordant. The music soon stops.

To rejoice doesn't mean you're oblivious to danger, but it does mean you trust in the protection of your Father. Your security rests in Him, not in the outcome of whatever circumstances you find yourself. You can be confident in Him, not in the outcome of what is happening at a given moment in time.

This is the message we're sharing at Grace Walk. Our staff in six countries are all working hard, even in the midst of the pandemic. I appreciate your help getting the message out. Thank you in advance for whatever amount you choose to donate, and I want those who faithfully stand with us financially to know how much I do appreciate you.! 

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