Friday, March 4, 2022

Can you no longer apply the Bible

 We live in a time where many believers don’t stand on the Word in full assurance, but doubt the words of God and compromise with the world and adjust the words of God to the world and the time we live in. Because you have to move with the times and can’t apply an ancient Book in this day and age. That might have worked in the old days, but not anymore. But is that true? Can you no longer apply the Bible in this day and age? Has the world changed and must the Bible move with the times or not? Regeneration and the discernment of spirits A Christian, who says to believe, but is not born again in Christ, is unspiritual and doesn’t discern the spirits. Many occultists move in the spiritual realm and may look spiritual and are considered spiritual, but in reality, they are not spiritual, but carnal and are influenced and led by demonic powers, because you can only become spiritual if your spirit is raised from the dead by the power of God.

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