Saturday, November 9, 2013

Today I Have Crashed

After trying to keep up faith and stay sweet to all in my troubles, I have crashed this morning.

I'm totally crushed in my spirit.  I murmured "I can't go on" to the Lord.  Physically I feel so weak.

The following writing from Jessie Penn Lewis has helped me understand God's process.

She writes..........

I remember once hearing it put so clearly by one of God’s messengers. He drew a small circle to represent the heart, and this lay in the centre of a large circle representing the whole man. God first lays hold of the centre of the man, cleanses the heart, and takes the throne; then when the Holy Spirit is in possession of the heart He applies the death of Christ to the whole of the man, and makes room for His life from centre to circumference. If you go on yielding to His blessed working, saying ‘Yes’ to God in all the daily circumstances, your whole spirit, soul and body, will become God-possessed and under the control of the Holy Spirit dwelling in your spirit. No hindrance now to stop the flow of His life, and the fragrance of His presence ever reaching to all around, in love and peace and joy.

We are glad to have the grosser forms of self nailed to the Cross, but the Lord desires to get us where the whole of our personality is possessed of Him. We can know immediate deliverance from the power of sin, but it is only as we yield continuously to the Holy Spirit day by day that He can bring us into full conformity to Christ in His death and resurrection.
The last thing that we contend for is our spiritually-religious-self. We fight desperately hard to keep an experience, but to die means to let everything go, for in death we can hold on to nothing. It is then that we become pliable as Ezekiel was pliable, with no desires outside the will of God. We have nothing left to fight for. We die to our religious views, our old ways, and habits of thought, our certain methods of action, and even all the conscious experiences of the Presence of God, so that we possess God Himself rather than gifts from God. We surrender the ‘gift’ for the Giver.

But when we have surrendered all, He returns all purified and held in Himself for Himself. As long as we wanted to keep even a ‘blessed experience’, there was a mist between the soul and God. If we surrender even the manifested presence of God, we become rooted and fixed in GOD. Not that He wants to take all away, but He wants the surrender, that He might reveal Himself as an abiding reality. All is now stilled, all tossing over, and the soul calm in God. May He teach us what this means, and reveal Himself to the stilled soul! Yes, even the Bible may seem to be a sealed book for a time, and prayer becomes difficult, until we learn to sit silent at His feet and wait for Him to speak.

If God is taking any of us through this “valley of deep darkness” (Psa. 23 v4), let us trust Him in the dark (Isa. 1 v10). Do not try to understand, but say, “Lord, I trust Thee to reveal Thyself, to open the Scriptures to me, to teach me to pray”. Let everything pass from you that does not touch your personal need. Do not make any effort to grasp ‘truth’, and to take through your mind, but let God reveal to you all He wants you to know, and leave the rest.

Let us see, in the picture lesson, how God can meet the ‘dried-up’ souls that He Himself has been getting ready by bringing them into this condition.

The messenger, carried in the Spirit, prophesies, “O ye dry (souls) hear the word of the Lord”. Look over the valley, what a picture of helplessness, silence and death. Then there comes a “noise”, a shaking (v7), the living Word causes the movement. Ezekiel looked on and beheld “the sinews and the flesh came up upon them, and the skin covered them”. He only gave the message, God did the work. This is a picture of real Spirit-service when God uses us; not we trying to ‘use’ God! When we know we have His message, we can stand and dare to give it, knowing that the Lord will confirm with ‘signs following’.

The Spirit-sent messenger at His inner command, now calls upon the Spirit. “Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live” (v9). Behold the wondrous scene, the blessed outcome. A resurrection army of souls brought out of death into life through union with the Risen Lord.

Now let us see the divine interpretation. We are not left to decide what this means. “Son of Man, these bones are the whole house of Israel” (v11). “Dried”, “lost”, “cut off”. Primarily true of Israel after the flesh, how true about the spiritual Israel, the Christian Church; how true of individuals. God brings you to the place where you can say, “I cannot pray, I cannot take that class, I used to be such an active worker, but now I feel useless, stupid, helpless, with all my strength gone”. Do you get a glimpse of what God is doing with you? He has brought to nought the ‘creaturely activity’, that the energy of God may come into you in resurrection power and abundant life.

As God thus deals with you, you must take heed that you rely upon the blood sprinkled upon the Mercy Seat, to guard you from the oppression of the enemy; and that you do not give Satan any advantage by failing in your practical duties, and in the service of God. Maybe you are bewildered at what is happening to you. But see what Daniel was told of the promised Messiah. He was to be “cut off, but not for Himself” (Dan. 9 v26). God wants you to see yourself “cut off” with Christ in His death, “cut off” from the old life, the old strength and power (Ezek. 37 v1). Has He brought you to see the deep mystery of the Cross, that you have died in Him? “Cut off” in Christ’s death, “cut off” with Christ, from your friends, from your old work, “cut off” from that blessed experience even of the ‘Garden of Eden’; all the fruitfulness apparently gone, the beauty, and the power. He is leading you on to know the Lord.

When the Lord Jesus died on the Cross the Father hid His face from Him; it seemed as if He were “cut off” from God. Yes! it seemed so, and He cried, “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?” One of the last and keenest things to surrender to God is His conscious presence. We are ready to go through fire and water with the manifestation of His presence; but when this is surrendered all seems dark.

“Bones dried”, “hope lost”, “cut off”, this is the scene before us! Remember how the disciples left all to follow Him, but they recoiled when He spoke of the path way of the Cross. They could let the Lord go to Calvary; they could not consent to lose the visible presence of their Friend. They could not understand His words, “I will see you again”. Do you not understand that when the soul reaches this point, there comes the Walk of Bare Faith? Cut off from yourself, from the old strength, from the old life, from old feelings, old companions, from dwelling in experiences, to dwell in God, this is God’s purpose for you (Col. 3 v3).
Israel had come to despair. How blessed the word of the Lord, “I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves” (37 v12-14). Turn to a few other passages to illustrate this. See Job 10 v6-21. See how David cried that he was ‘cut off’ in Psalm 88 v5-16. Then Jonah in Jonah 2 v1-6, and Isaiah also in Isaiah 6 v5, “I am cut off”.

- Roger

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