Many people are bound by the
limitations of man-made denominational doctrines and imprisoned within the shell
of religious concepts and traditions. Believers who are caught in that trap are
locked into a pattern of thought in living life believing they are Christ's
representatives bringing the gospel to the community of humanity in the power
and the anointing of the Holy Spirit, when in reality they are full of religious
pride and denominational arrogance and unaware of God's plan and purpose for the
community of the redeemed in gospelizing the community of
Instead of living and verbalizing
their religious convictions they need to live in the love of God and love people
by the unction of the Spirits power that is available only through the grace
gospel of Jesus Christ. It is only God's grace anointing that will break the
chains of denominational bondage and the religious prison bars of
There are more imprisoned
people outside of jail than there are on the inside. People who are imprisoned
by religious concepts, philosophies, ideologies, deceptions and denominational
traditions that they believe are scripturally correct, yet, it has nothing to do
the gospel of Jesus Christ.
This world system
is built upon the fallen nature of man. It is built upon the nature of death.
The world system is in the grips of death and cannot bring life to
It is ironic and sad, but the religious
system that they claim brings life, is built on the same world system and it is
bringing death instead of life to people in the community of the redeemed. This
worldly religious system does not and can not, know the power of the
resurrected Christ. But the gospel of Christ's grace that gives life, is the
power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes. (Romans
He that has the Son has life, he that has
not the Son has not life. The entire gospel, the entire purpose of God and
everything in the scriptures is to bring man into a relationship with God for
Him to make is abode in us so that the resurrection life of Jesus can work
through us. It is the life of Christ in us and outworking through us that
empowers us as the community of the redeemed to affect the community of
It is the devil's business to get us
involved in religious busyness so that we stifle Christ's life in us from living
through us. Satan wants us to be under the influence of the carnal nature
operating in religious deceptions so we will not pursue the power of Christ's
life within us. Satan wants us to live in disobedience to the the written word,
or live by our deceived interpretation of it. He knows that he cannot destroy
the life of Christ in us, he can only bring us to a place that we allow it to be
stagnate and unprofitable to the community of
There are all kinds of things in the
religious world that will dormant us and prevent His life from expressing itself
through us.
We can have denominational life
without God life. This is what has happened in the religious denominational
world and often people don't know the difference. You may be in a denomination
that you feel is doing the best they can. But if you become filled with the
fullness of God to comprehend His grace message, you will realize that God is
trying to destroy many of the things that denominations are doing. Anything that
is man centered and man created from programs to preaching, God wants to
destroy. Anything that is done in buildings called "church" (even if in the Name
of God) that does not fulfill the purpose of God, He wants destroyed. God
doesn't dwell in name-tagged buildings (denominations) created by man. He dwells
within people. We are the 'inhabited called out"
Even though we have His life implanted in
us at the new birth, if we don't know the purpose of that life after salvation
we will never enter to the fullness of God where we are affecting the community
of humanity for His purpose.
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