It is IMPOSSIBLE to know the mind and
plan of God for the community of humanity without the teaching of the great
teacher given to the community of the redeemed by God Himself...the HOLY
God gave us His Holy Spirit to help us
to understand the revelation of Jesus Christ through the written word by the
Spirit revealing the contextual and historical understanding of its setting and
the application of that understanding so that Jesus can work His works through
His people.
To leave the understanding and
revelation of God's plan for humanity to the leaders of man-made institutions
lends to the followers of that institution being misled because of interpreting
the word to protect or boost their belief
Let's look at one word whose usage and
meaning in the way that it is understood and practiced, has impacted the world
and subverted the intention that God purposed for what the word supposedly
When the word "Church" is used the
thing that comes to people's mind is a denominated or non-denominated steepled
building upon the hill, instead of the Holy Spirits word that was give to the
original people who recorded the word that was given to them. This has led the
people of the world to accept deception as truth when it comes to the meaning of
the Holy Spirit given word.
Because the
man-appointed fallible translators substituted the word “church,” meaning a
building, instead ecclesia the Holy Spirit given word reflecting a functioning
body as a community of the redeemed, it has affected our whole approach to the
meaning of the body of Christ. We have been given a word from the translators
that has nothing to do with the original Greek word
When Jesus said, “Upon this rock I
will build my ecclesia,” (Mat 16:18) the translators purposely used a word
identifying a building rather than the people. What He said was that upon the
great truth confessed by Peter, that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the Living
God, Jesus would build His assembly, His gathering, or His community of redeemed
people. Jesus did NOT say that He would build a church and He did not do such a
thing! The ecclesia of Christ is NOT a church in the sense of a denomination or
a name-tagged ! All churches as buildings and the denominations that they
represent are the works and creations of men at best and inspired by Satan at
the worse. Jesus did not set up a religious institution of any kind. The
ecclesia (ek, "out of or from," and kaleo, "a calling or to call") is His called
out, obedient people, wherever they are! God's ecclesia is not an organization
or institution...It is a functioning function of the members of His body (the
called out ones) the "community of the
redeemed"! it it understood and
practiced today is an hinderance to the purpose and plan of God for the
community of humanity by the community of the redeemed because instead of being
a functioning body in living spiritual life daily, it is a regulated body in
living religious life in regulated event-driven meetings in denominated
buildings for a couple of hours on Sundays or other set aside times and
Let's be the functioning body of the
community of the redeemed that Jesus said He would build affecting the community
of humanity for His good.
- Glenn Regular
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