Judging and condemning people impedes our understanding, blurs our
vision of the Gospel and gives a false picture of who our Father God is.
Loving and forgiving
people increases our understanding of God so we can see more clearly what the
Gospel of Jesus Christ to give the community of humanity a clearer picture of
who God is.
judging and condemning people we fail to see our own wrongs and fail to
understand the fullness of God’s Grace Gospel of Redemption for the community of
Humanity. “For it is the goodness of God that leads to repentance”...not scaring
the hell out of them!
No writer or prophet
of the Old Testament had a true revelation as to who and what God is really
The fact is,
no one before Jesus revealed to us the character of God! Jesus was the express
image of God and came to reveal Him to us. Therefore, any concept you have of
who and what God is like that is not revealed through the lens of Jesus is
subject to being
Jesus said;
"Father glorify your name." (John 12:28). What is the name of God that Jesus
wants us to glorify..."FATHER". God is known by other names but Father is the
one He wants us to use and experience in our relationship with
Looking through
religious spectacles people see God as Judge, Jury and Condemner...Looking
through the lens of Jesus people see God as Jesus saw Him and revealed Him to
us...a loving, caring, forgiving, compassionate and understanding
If we would
pray for people who believe or disagree with our accepted religious perceptions
instead of judging and condemning them, we would not be able to judge nor
condemn them for we cannot judge or condemn people we sincerely pray
God’s way to win
people to His salvation is to pray for them and love them into being friends by
reaching out to them with the love God has for us and for
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