Some religions keep their followers in a perpetual state of fear due to their fear-mongering that portrays our heavenly Father
as a revenging
dangling people
like a spider on a web and unless they turn...they will
burn "FOREVER" if the fires of hell
Does this terrorist spirituality really portray the
Fatherly attributes of our loving God?
Some religions are on the other end of the spiritual
relationship spectrum
where God is portrayed as the adults Santa Clause in
the sky that attends to their every wish or demand and is a happy go lucky
pushover pussy cat in that there is no aberrant behavior or sin that He will not
condone. Does that "you can sin and live any way you want to, everything is all
right" attitude portray the characteristic of a Holy God?
Of the two I accept neither NEITHER view of ABBA FATHER.
I desire a relationship with the ABBA FATHER of Jesus who is
infinitely loving, understanding, forgiving and compassionate regarding my
relationship with Him in spite of my failures and sin. Who at the same time is
awesome and incomprehensible in His acceptance and love of people, which is the
God that Jesus, as the express image of God, came to reveal and
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