The religious world's concept of hell's torturer chamber of everlasting
fire and brimstone, the idea that the Devil is living in hell as the chief
superintendent ruling over demons and forking out punishment to the thousands
of people who die daily and go there has its roots more in religious myth than
in biblical truth.
For example, when provoked by doctrines that go against their doctrinal
stance, or religious rules, they contemptuously scorn those teachings as
“doctrines from the pit of Hell”, or they may respond to wicked deeds as having
been inspired by “demons from Hell”. Yet, the Bible clearly states that the
Devil and his angels came to earth from heaven, not from Hell (Isa. 14:12; Rev.
12:7- 12).
Has God been torturing the first sinner to die from the time of His death
unto the eon's of eternity? If so, what sins would this person have done to
warrant being punished longer than...let's say Hitler...that warrants longer
tormenting by the devil and demons? "And the devil that deceived them was cast
into the lake of fire" Rev. 20:10...ABSOLUTELY NOT...the devil will be cast into
the lake of fire by God at a time determined by God.
Do the wicked dead go to hell when they die...NO NOT ONE..."The Lord
knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust
unto the day of judgement for punishment.
- Glenn Regular
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