Saturday, March 29, 2014

Loved and Accepted

It has been said that the strongest desire of mankind is the "sex drive" being me, I disagree. I believe the strongest desire of mankind is to be loved and accepted by God and other people. The desire to be loved and accepted by people is the greatest factor in determining most human behavior.

The desire to be loved and accepted is why we wear what we wear, why we do what we do, why we say what we say, why we go where we go, why we act the way we act, why we conform to what we conform, why we pray what we pray, why we read what we read, why we go to "church" to "do" church and yes...why we believe what we least most of the time.

The amazing thing about God and His Amazing Love and Grace is...we do not have to live our lives seeking love and acceptance by God because we are already completely loved and accepted by Him.

All the buildings called "Churches" that dot the landscape of the towns and cities of our world are a reflection of man's effort to find, please, be loved and accepted by God. This is the way of religion. The way to be accepted by God is to do "nothing" in and of our own doing because God has done everything. According to Eph. 1:6 we are already loved and accepted by Him.

We are loved and accepted of God totally because of His doing...not because of our doing.


- Glenn Regular

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