Saturday, March 8, 2014

On Not Being a "News-Cycle" Christian - Russia and the Ukraine in Particlar

I have been paying an almost inordinate amount of attention to the current and on-going developing conflict between Russia, the Ukraine and its peninsula, Crimea, and the West. Something that I am finding quite disturbing, but unsurprising (unfortunately), is the general dis-concern for what is going on among many Western peoples (because it is not immediately impinging upon their daily lives in any real way, in general); and beyond that, the attention deficit disorder, which we often call the 'news-cycle' which has already started to shift away from covering the kind of global conflict happening in the eastern block of the world.

Are we to, as Christians, suffer when one part of the 'body' suffers? Are we, as Christians, supposed to enter in and care for the weak and needy among us; and in particular our brothers in sisters in Christ? Or are we to be 'news-cycle' Christian people and prayers who simply follow the trends determined to be what they are by the ratings that purported "news-channels" get as they cover the most interesting and sensational stories at whatever given moment?

It is an overwhelming thing, to be concerned about our own daily lives, and the pressing things that that entails; and then to be asked to care about what is happening outside of our own personal worlds and orbits. But I believe we are called to that as Christians. I am guilty as anyone when it comes to this. It is a burdensome task, at points, to try and pray and make intercession for as many people as I can in a day; but it is also my great joy and privilege to get to participate in this kind of intercessory work of King Jesus.

I have more to say, and in particular, at this moment, about Ukraine and Russia; but really all I am hoping to do with this post is to remind us to pray for the people in Ukraine and Russia right now (and there are plenty of other people groups to pray for too: Sudan, Venezuela, China, et al.). These are turbulent times, and I wouldn't want the narcissism of  news-cycle to determine how we pray; but instead, I challenge you to let the love of God in Christ and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit provide the impetus for how you should be praying about all of this.

26 And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it. I Corinthians 12:26 

32 But recall the former days in which, after you were illuminated, you endured a great struggle with sufferings: 33 partly while you were made a spectacle both by reproaches and tribulations, and partly while you became companions of those who were so treated;... 
Hebrews 10:32-33

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