Let it be known folks...God knows you far better than religion knows you,
in fact He knows you far better than you know you! He also thinks more highly of
you than religion will ever think of you. The fact is; He thinks more highly of
you than anything else in the world...He has chosen to make His dwelling place
in you...imagine, the God of the universe, the Savior of mankind in all His
holiness and awesomeness has chosen to live in you...despite all your faults and
failures...that is AWESOMELY AMAZING.
God’s profound opinion of and love
for people reveals how amazing His Amazing Grace Gospel really is and if
understood for what it really...it is a path illuminated to the most astounding
satisfying spiritual relationship there is.
This Gospel of God’s Grace
Transition you from fear and hate to trust and love.
Transition you
from the bondage of religion to freedom in Christ.
Transition you from
denominated division to oneness as Christ and the Father are one.
you from judging and condemning to understanding and forgiving.
you from having your identity in religion to having your identity in
Transition you from religious works to resting in Christ as He works
His works through you.
God’s opinion of you far superceeds religion's
opinion of you.
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