…the only thing that Satan must accomplish to defeat
us is to steal the moment, which he does by reminding us about the past or
nudging our fears about the future.
…Many Christians have allowed an incident in the past
to continue to steal abundant life from them in moments that stretch into days
and then years. One allows this to happen in dancing with the devil, whose plan
is to steal not just one moment, but the whole life!
…At any given moment one is either in the flesh or in
the Spirit, tapped into eternal defeat or eternal victory.
…What opens the door (to Christ’s
life) is humility, saying that one has nothing or, “I can’t!” What
closes the door is pride, which says, “I can.” God has so structured things
that victory will only be moment by moment as we abide in Him.
…Is the baggage and residue Satan’s stronghold to
destroy you or God’s stronghold to bless and give you abundant life? It is
God’s stronghold! The very thing that you have been begging God to take away,
which you believed would allow you full and unhindered service and fellowship
with the King, is the very assurance God has that you will continue to
fellowship with and serve Him. Praise God, His ways are not man’s
…For some reason that we need not know, the majority
of Christians are satisfied to walk away from the Lord; God allows it, but is
not content until He calls them back to Himself. Anyone who wants to go from
the room called “Carnal” to the suite named “Spiritual” must take the only
doorway, named “Trouble, Suffering, and Defeat.” And so it is with all who are
called to return to Him; they must pass through that doorway!
…The Lord spends considerable time teaching us to
recognize the baggage and residue when it surfaces. Those old things
(depression, unbelief, desire to do drugs) are flashing red lights informing us
that the door is closed. And here is a secret: the more baggage that one has,
the more flashing red lights he has, and the more he will be aware of his need
to abide.
…Paul was given a frailty that made him say, “I
can’t,” which opened the door to Christ’s life and caused His power to be
released. The more weakness, the more power released; therefore, he would be
proud of his limitations.
…God is never, I repeat, never outdone by Satan.
Don’t lament over your past failures, hurts, and identity; they have all been
crucified, and their remembrance is but God’s stronghold.
When Paul describes the fruit of the Spirit in
Galatians 5, he is not describing what he would have the Galatians imitate,
which would simply produce artificial fruit with no substance or value. Rather,
Paul is describing what a believer manifests when the door to Christ’s life is
open. If you are naturally manifesting love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
and so on, you are enjoying life in the Spirit. However, if these are not
present, you can be sure that the door has been closed.
…If you would experience abundant life, it must be
embraced moment by moment!
“steal the moment”…that is Satan’s goal. Right
now…this moment…Christ’s life, or the door closed to Him.
I have had “garbage and baggage services” in
churches before…I have helped folks to “reclaim the ground” given to Satan… It
is amazing how many live exactly where Michael speaks of: reminded of the past,
or fearing the future. It is time for Christians to be taught and helped to
know, understand, reckon, and appropriate the Truth in their lives. Who Christ
is in us, and who we are in Christ. Get away from the defeated
It is a monumental moment for a Christian to
realize the difference between the garbage and residue from the past NOT being
Satan’s stronghold, but God’s stronghold! Is it because Christians seem to be
taught to focus on their sin and deficiencies and trying to get a victory over
those, instead of focusing on who they are in Christ…and who He is in them?
I watch sporting events all the time…I have NEVER
seen the winning team drop their heads, cover their heads with towels, droop
their shoulders, and head to the locker room with no shouting, no slapping of
hands, no bumping of chests…you know the picture. So how can we be “overcomers”
and “victors” IN CHRIST, and look & act like “losers”? Aaaah…the lack of
teaching of “the power of the Cross”!
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