Isn’t it strange that the New Testament has told
Saints to in essence “chunk” (that’s East Texas for “getting rid of”) the Law,
yet so many still live every day centered around the pages containing the Law
and neglecting the Word become flesh in the person of Jesus Christ. In today’s
writing Michael helps us to want to do some “chunking.”
For the Law was given through Moses; grace
and truth were realized through Jesus
Christ.--John 1:17
Law is the Word of God written down. Jesus, on the
other hand, is the Word become flesh. That is an important distinction, since
the Law centers around a page and Word become flesh around a
person.The Law is heard and to a certain extent open to each
individual’s interpretation, because each person has a different heart
dictionary that limits by subjective definition each word read. For
example, the word comforthas different connotations for each individual.
To read, “the God of all comfort,” will mean a little something different to
each reader. John 1:18 tells us that no man has seen God at any
time. This simple statement rules out all who make absolute claims
to knowing what God is like or who philosophize about God. Man does not
know God. Through the mind, body, and world man can gain a concept of what God
is and spend endless hours examining and propagating the notion. The imagining
may appear very lofty; however, the assessment is still made from a heart
dictionary and is therefore faulty. Only Jesus can explain Him.
We find out who God is from Jesus or we never find out. This is why
Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to
the Father but through Me” (John 14:6). If we want to know the
reality of God, not just an appraisal, we must come to God through Jesus.
“He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how do you say, ‘Show us the Father’?”
(John 14:9) If a disciple has not seen God, it is simply because he has
not seen Jesus.Ten thousand years of human history proves that God
cannot be described with words, He can only be revealed through a person.
Jesus made God known through His life! The doctrines of God will leave a
man prostrate in fear. The character of God revealed in Jesus
leaves man walking, leaping, and praising God. Jesus reveals what
is at the very heart of God, His love. Jesus is God’s love in action, or Jesus
is God’s grace, for grace is love in action. Jesus makes God
approachable while theology makes man turn and run. Written words
will never draw man to God; only His love in the person of Jesus,
the Word become flesh, attracts us.
What powerful words in John 1:17: “…grace and truth
were realized through Jesus Christ.” Grace and truth…love them both. Of course
it helps to have an accurate biblical definition of both.
Michael draws our attention to one of the most
important truths we can ever know: there is a huge difference between the
“doctrines of God” and the “character of God.” And Michael points out what man
really wants to know: “what is at the very heart of God.” Michael tells us
Jesus reveals God’s love…that which is at the very heart of God.
So we can know just why so many Christians go through
life as a Christian and never really “know” God because their focus is on God’s
doctrines instead of God’s character. Man may not know God, but His Saints
certainly can. Only His Saints will be able to see God through Jesus’
revelation of Him. God told us that in John 1:17.
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