Saturday, January 2, 2016

From Depression to Delight

            Sometimes it’s really difficult to pray with passion when your soul is downcast and you’re feeling depressed. David was clearly in this situation in Psalm 13. What is so admirable is that he didn’t give up on his conversations with God. He kept choosing to pray. More admirable still, he makes a choice to ask God for light rather than focusing on the darkness. He prays, “Bring light to my eyes in this pitch-black darkness” (v. 3). Most admirable of all, David positions himself in his spirit on the far side of God’s answer to his prayer. He decrees, “I will sing my song of joy” (v. 6). If you are in a dark place right now, let God transport your heart and focus to his place of light.
            If you feel like you’re in a wilderness right now, consider what new song you would sing to the Lord, as David did. Choose to look up rather than down. Encourage your soul to soar!

I’m hurting, Lord—will you forget me forever?
           How much longer, Lord?
           Will you look the other way when I’m in need?
           2How much longer must I cling to this constant grief?
           I’ve endured this shaking of my soul.
           So, how much longer will my enemy have the upper hand?
           It’s been long enough!
           3Take a good look at me, God, and answer me!
           Breathe your life into my spirit.
           Bring light to my eyes in this pitch-black darkness
           or I will sleep the sleep of death.
           4Don’t let my enemy proclaim, “I’ve prevailed over him.”
           For all my adversaries will celebrate when I fall.
           5Lord, I have always trusted in your kindness, so answer me.
           I will yet celebrate with passion and joy
           when your salvation lifts me up.
           6I will sing my song of joy to you, the Most High,
           for in all of this you have strengthened my soul.
           My enemies say that I have no Saviour,
           but I know that I have one in you!

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