Thursday, January 28, 2016

Two Elements

Since it is the blood of Jesus that has cleansed us from our sins, have you ever asked God why we partake of two elements at the Lord's Supper? Why did Jesus introduce the wine plus the bread? Why not just the wine since it is to remind us of our forgiveness bought with His precious blood? Forgiveness is all that’s ever mentioned in most churches as we partake of the elements. But that's only observing half the celebration.

The bread, the second element, represents Christ's body in which God crucified our old son-of-Satan, self-centered, sin nature—the old man. You were then recreated as a new creature in Him (in His resurrection body, 1 Pet. 1:3). Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus”. It doesn't reference the person created in your Mom, but the new you who was created in Christ. This is now your true identity!

- Bill Gillham

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