Grace Vagabond writes......
A Facebook acquaintance posed this question
today and it challenged me to consider what i think about it. Just thought I’d
share. He wrote…
Is God a “Good Samaritan” or a hypocrite?
I define hypocrisy as: Do as I say, not as
I do! I would like to share something that has been bothering me on and off for
a while.
Jesus told this story and I’ve condensed it
to keep this post short: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell
among robbers, and they stripped him and beat him, and went away leaving him
half dead. “…a priest saw him, and passed by on the other side. “Likewise a
Levite saw him, passed by on the other side. “But a Samaritan, who was on a
journey, came upon him; and when he saw him, he felt compassion, and came to
him and bandaged up his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them; and he put him on
his own beast, and brought him to an inn and took care of him.”
Jesus ended the story by saying: “Go and do
the same.”
Here’s my problem—every day I see or hear
far worse of someone beaten, robbed, or left for dead by individuals and
governments alike, yet it appears as if God is passing by on the opposite side
of the road, not wanting to get involved. I see Him doing little to nothing yet
He expects us to always show mercy and help our fellow man. “Do as I say, not
as I do.” I don’t see God being the good Samaritan as He wants us to be. So,
sometimes I have to ask the question: Is God a “Good Samaritan” or a hypocrite?
-The Why Guy
This sounds a lot like the age old “why
would a good God allow bad things to happen” question. To be honest, I have yet
to hear a completely satisfactory answer from anyone on it, because it seems
like anything short of God preventing bad things, or at least cleaning up after
bad things, puts a big ol’ question mark on His goodness. However…
I want to be careful here, because pain and
suffering cannot be taken lightly and I dont mean to minimize the significance
of it. I wonder though, if it is actually better for the human race that God
does not, with the wave of His wand, correct all pain and suffering. Hear me
out. I think we would all agree that as members of the human race, developing
hearts of love, empathy, compassion and mercy for our fellow man is of great
value. But if we never experienced pain and suffering, how could we ever
develop that heart of love, compassion and mercy for our brothers and sisters?
If there was no pain and suffering in our lives, it seems that no one would
give a rip about others and because of that, we would do no, and be no good to
the world at large. For as much a we despise pain and suffering, I think it may
actually be a gift to humanity. Without it, we would not know the HOW of love.
We would never learn HOW to be the hands and feet of God. Love is best
displayed in our response to pain and suffering. Sadly, our lack of love is
displayed in the absence of response to pain and suffering.
As for the question of God doing little or
nothing to respond to the pain and suffering that plagues our planet…
What if His response is US? What if WE ARE
God’s response to pain and suffering and rather than seeing God as a deadbeat
dad, perhaps when pain and suffering are allowed to go on untreated, it is we
who fail, because it is we who are His instruments of mercy, compassion and
healing. Perhaps this is why Jesus said “Go and do the same.”
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