The entire Universe resonates with love for
Your name is on the lips of the Almighty.
Your face is precious to Him.
Your laugh is music. Your smile is His
everlasting joy.
The planets spin in response to this love.
The stars burn bright with the heat of it.
Everything He has made is designed to
declare His everlasting love for you.
None of it means half as much to Him as you
He longs to gather you to Himself.
He dreams of one day dancing with you at a
feast that He’s been preparing for the last 2,000 years.
One day you will see Him face to face.
On that day, you will look into His eyes
and see for yourself how deep and endless His love is for you.
But until that day, He invites you to come
away and sit with Him. Listen for His voice.
Delight yourself in Him as He delights
Himself in you.
The entire Universe resonates with love for
Your name is on His heart.
Make your heart His home.
Let Him come and live and breathe in you
Start today.
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