Monday, June 13, 2016

Pragmatic Deductions

Knowing what I know of God through His revealed Word and His performance among His people in the world since that revealed Word was consummated, what do I believe He will do with those things that I have given to Him? those things that I have entrusted to His care?

What has He said He will do? Do I really believe Him?

I say, “They are in Your hands.” Are His hands loving? strong? tender? Think of His hands ministering as He walked on Planet Earth. Is there one incident-even one-that demonstrates anything but love?

I have asked Him to work in the lives of my loved ones. Does He have the power to do this, or is He impotent?Is there anyone else to whom I would attribute more power than to Him?

Does He desire the very best for me and my loved ones? Yes. My problem is that I think I know what is best. How foolish of me! He sees into the future. He knows what is going to happen. I can only surmise and then when He initiates His plan, I am hampered because I cannot see the wisdom or the fulfillment of His plan. I begin to question His love, His loyalty, His omniscience.

Do I know what His ultimate goal is? Yes. It is to so conform me to His image that I am prepared to live in His presence eternally.

Is there anyone-anyone at all-to whom I would rather entrust my life or the lives of my loved ones? No.

“I would have despaired unless I had believed.” Ps. 27:13


Lord, I cry out with the hurting man in Mark’s gospel, “I believe! Please help my unbelief!” I know You. You love me more than anyone has ever, will ever, or could ever love me. And You know what I need-what those in my circle of loved ones need. I so often am prone to think, “Lord! What in the world are You doing? Are You going to sit back and allow this to happen? I cannot comprehend this!”

Help me, Lord, to believe.

“You believed that God would do what He said; that is why He has given you this wonderful blessing.”

- Annabel Gillham

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