As the crowds were increasing, He began to say, “This generation is a wicked generation; it seeks for a sign, and yet no sign will be given to it but the sign of Jonah.”–Luke 11:29
The fact that believers often clamor for the supernatural is understandable, since many have been covertly taught that God’s stamp of approval is His supernatural response in our daily activities.Having God continually act in supernatural ways for us personally is viewed as proof that we are special, not mere dots on the planet. Those who have accepted and identified with the above theory make the following types of statements. “God noticed me! I have worth, value, an identity.” “God sought me out. I had no intentions of getting married, of becoming a minister, of moving to another place. I said, ‘God, if You want me, You will have to come and get me!’ Then God spoke to me, He visited me, He turned my car around.” In other words, “I am special, He wants me, He comes after me supernaturally.” This emphasis also leads the “less fortunate” to make the following statements: “God let me down, He does not notice, care, or work in my life.” “I guess I do not measure up or will ever be good enough,” or, “I will no longer trust God! He allowed my wife to die of cancer, a child to rebel, my unwed daughter to get pregnant, financial bankruptcy, my marriage to be a failure, or my ministry to dissolve.” In short, so this belief system goes, those God loves He blesses, and those He wants to get even with find evil! What seems good reflects His pleasure, and what we perceive as bad indicates His displeasure. The measure of God’s concern for us, then, is seen as His supernatural activity in life to the degree that it makes us comfortable and leaves us feeling good.
Maintaining this kind of thinking is, first of all, anti-God; second, it is Taoism; and third, it is eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This rationale places incredible pressure on believers to act and speak in such a way as to solicit the supernatural activity of God. We are strained, hating ourselves for not doing enough to reap God’s pleasure and angry with Him for not noticing us. We dislike the partiality that He shows, then hate ourselves for disparaging God, and feel we must protect God’s image as well as our own.
Now for a moment let us lay aside all thoughts of the supernatural and move in a different direction to ponder God’s working in the natural.
Often when discipling a discouraged believer I will ask the question, “Did you sometime in the past five years, five weeks, or maybe five days, while reading your Bible, listening to a sermon, or reading a good book, happen to say to God, ‘You can have my life. I want all that is possible for a human who knows You. I want the deep spiritual life; I want a marriage that works’?” Invariably the believer will say yes! I then respond, “Well, that explains it. If you wanted to remain unchanged and comfortable, God would not be using the natural in your life to perfect the answering of your expressed desires.”
What is God’s goal for the believer? We can read it in Matthew 5 - 7, the Beatitudes, the Sermon on the Mount, Christ’s life, now the Christian’s life. Everything that we read there is supernatural.Any believer who has attempted to love an enemy knows just how supernatural it is. It takes more Spirit activity to walk across the living room and kiss a mate who offends us than it does to walk on water. In order to reveal the supernatural, the Lord created and dropped man into the natural world, wherein all that comes to him by way of mind, emotion, and body is intended to produce what is unnatural as the natural gives way to the supernatural. The supernatural does not give birth to the supernatural; angels are angels. However, men made of dust, dwelling on the natural earth, can become the sons of God! Supernatural? I think so! Explaining the process of allowing the natural to make us supernatural is somewhat like describing childbirth; it is never really understood until it is one’s own experience.
Let me give some examples. We go through the natural experience of having no money, no job, and no hope in sight. All of this drives us to look to Him whose presence makes us sense the true wealth in which we participate. Next we can find ourselves relaxed with a lightness of heart concerning finances in the midst of a clamoring world. Supernatural!
We develop out-of-control feelings that come from watching a government make decisions that we cannot live with. First we attempt to change the flesh in the power of the flesh, then we eloquently describe the inconsistencies we see, at length we become disheartened, and in the end we pray. His presence gives comfort, His power fills us with assurance, and His love brings us hope. We know the whole lot in life passes through His hands, and so we rest, we trust, we get on with the real mission, and we live supernaturally in a world falling apart.
The media reports each night how someone, somewhere, is being abused, and we are left feeling hopeless and negative, a state that may suit the world, but it drags down the spirit of the believer. We were made to love God, love life, love our fellow man, and love our work. We draw near to Him to be a positive in a negative world. The sense of wrongness with our lot gives way to the relationship as we experience the greatest positive, Jesus, and become light in the world.
- Mike Wells
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