For me, to live is Christ... Phil 1:21
A Christian is one who has become spiritually alive
from the dead. The presence of spiritual life within
him is the one fundamental thing that distinguishes
him from the unregenerate world about him.
This spiritual life is not native to us, nor can it be de-
veloped out of anything we have or are by nature. It
must be given to us. So God has given us eternal life
"and this life is in His Son, "through whose posses-
sion of us when we believed on Him we were born
from above; "not of blood, nor of the will of the
flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God"; by which
we have become a "new creation" in Christ, thereby
made "partakers of the divine nature."
The life of the Christian, therefore, is the life of Christ
within us through the Holy Spirit. It is not a life simi-
lar to His, it is His life. This is shown by the fact that
what we receive in the new birth is not only "everlast-
ing life, but also "eternal life." For while everlasting
life has no end, yet it may have a beginning; but eter-
nal life has neither beginning nor end.
Now the Triune God is the only one in the universe
who has eternal life. The only way He can give us e-
ternal life, therefore, is to possess us with His own life,
through Christ, by the Holy Spirit.This is one thing
Paul meant when he said,
"To me to live is Christ."
This is a mystery that is too high for us. We can none
of us understand it, but we can believe it. JE Conant
Think of the Tabernacle of old where Life
and glory came down to dwell. The covering of the
Tabernacle was dark, but, oh, the inside was explod-
ing with light. When we come to Christ we are put
into Him and He is put into us. It is way beyond my
understanding. I hope you take the time to ponder
this blog. It has taken me years to realize a little bit
of what I have IN CHRIST.
For God so loved the world that He gave his only
begotten Son that we might not perish, but have
eternal life. John 3:16
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