Now give me this hill country that the Lord promised
me that day. You yourself heard then that the Anakites
were there and their cities were large and fortified,
but, the Lord helping me, I will drive them out just
as he said. Joshua 14: 12, 13
Extraordinary afflictions are not always punishment
for extraordinary sins. Sanctified afflictions are spiri-
tual promotions. Matthew Henry
Some brothers and sisters have met few difficulties, but
they are spiritually feeble. The explanation is, they have
not consumed enough Anakim. On the other hand there
are those who have met difficulty and overcome. They
are full of vigor. The reason is, that they have fed well on
Anakim--(their giants.) Every difficulty and every tempta-
tion Satan puts in our way is food for us. This is a divine-
ly appointed means of spiritual progress. The sight of any
great trouble strikes terror into the heart of those, who
do not believe God, but those who trust Him say:
"Praise God, here is some more food!"
All our trials without exception, are bread for us, and as
we accept one trial after the other, we are more and more
richly nourished and the result is a continuous increase
of strength. Watchman Nee
What a challenge for those of us who live
in these times where life seems to change on a dime.
Watchman Nee was not a light weight for his ministry
corresponded to the rise of Mao and he spent the last 20
years of his life in a Chinese prison. Nee died in 1972.
After his conversion, he established numerous churches
and wrote many books. One of my favorites is
The Normal Christian Life. Nee walked the talk. While
in prison he offered to clean the cells of other prisoners.
In this way many were saved. How could he possibly
do this day after day without the understanding that trials
were food for his soul! He couldn't--and neither can we.
In the west we seem to get the drip, drip, drip of discour-
agement in little things, while our brothers and sisters in
other parts of the world face daily hindrances from their
families and religious leaders, not to mention the govern-
ments. Regardless, the enemy wants to muzzle us.
He is risen!
Let's go out and eat snake!
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