Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Is Grace Butting Biblical

Some religious people by their speech and actions are "Grace BUTTERS" by teaching that grace has defining limits and exhibit arrogance by claiming to know the mind of God. "Grace Butting" is limiting the finished work of Christ by adding the doings of man to it to complete it. Yet God tells us that His ways are above man's ways and His thoughts are above man's thoughts. This causes the "Grace Limiters" to exhibit spiritual arrogance by calling God a liar in that they do not believe what God has said about His thoughts and His ways, since He has established that His thoughts and ways are beyond human attainment or comprehension. 

After all, God loves sinners so much He died for them and the scripture say regarding His Grace, "Where sin did abound, Grace much more abounds".

The assurance of, and the maintaining of our salvation is not found in Grace plus the Law... Salvation assurance is found in God's "Amazing Grace" plus nothing. Grace is not just enough to bring us into a relationship with God, it is more than enough to keep us in relationship with God.

Grace plus something is not Grace at all!

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