Saturday, May 28, 2016

Mark Virkler Writes.....

Q.  Lord, am I to speak of the old man, or only the new man?  Would I want any more to speak of the illusion, or only the reality?

Mark, you only want to speak of the new reality you have found in Christ.  You only want to speak of the truth, never the illusion, never error.  So don’t speak of whom the “self I” is.  If self seeks to rear his ugly head (resurrect himself), confess that which is true (who you are in Christ).  That is whom you are to speak of, and only of that, not of error.  Not of the old man, because he has been done away with and a new man now lives.  Speak and live only out of the new man, never the old man who has been done away with.  Thus I have spoken, and thus it is to be done.

Mark, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.  So the flesh will express weakness, but the spirit will not.  So you may say, “My flesh is weak but my spirit is strong.”   That is a true confession and that is permissible.  However, your focus should always be on energizing your spirit through My Holy Spirit, so that its energy overcomes the weakness of the flesh.  Always put the accent on the spirit, never on the flesh.  Always speak of the spirit much more than you speak of the flesh.  Always fix your eyes on the spirit much more than you fix your eyes on the flesh.  Even though you acknowledge the flesh, you never fix your attention upon it.  You always fix your attention on the union of My Spirit to your spirit and the flow of My life into and through you.  That way you are always fixed upon the positive and never the negative. 

So you will never accentuate the fact that you are weak, or powerless, or ignorant.   It may be true from time to time that your flesh is, or you are, if you step back from the “Christ I” to the “self I,” but speak instead of who you are in Christ.  Your eyes are fixed on Christ.  Your mouth confesses who you are in Christ.  And you live in Christ.  Thus you have been overcome by Christ, and it is the “Christ I” who lives, and not the “self I.”

Thank You, Lord.

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