Saturday, May 28, 2016

You Are Bonded to God

You are bonded to God. There is nothing that can separate you from Him, not death, not life, not angels, not kings, not rulers, not the economy, not war, not the government ... nothing! You can let worry, distress, fear, concerns, demands, your history, and your misconceptions make it seem as though God’s love is remote, heavy-handed, and persnickety. But God can no more love imperfectly than He can act unjustly. God is love. To be anything less than love to you would be a denial of His basic identity. You are God’s loved one!

Consider that for a moment. You are God’s loved one. Say that out loud to yourself: “I am God’s loved one.” But realize this: Anything you allow to diminish the profound nature and depth of God’s love for you is a direct slap in God’s face. Considering yourself as someone who is loved by God in some reserved fashion is to adopt an attitude that believes God loves you because of what you do or can become. I repeat: God does not love you for what you are supposed to be because you will never be that. God loves you because He is love and you are you.

As God’s loved one, consider this as well: Since you are the primary person on God’s mind, wouldn’t it stand to reason that your day must be filled with efforts on God’s part to communicate His love to you? I’m sure it is. All that is lacking is for you to take notice.

- Bill, Anabel, and Preston Gillham

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