Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Wayne Jacobsen writes..............

 Here are seven attributes I see growing in people around me who are on this journey:

They have an unrelenting pursuit to know what’s true, even when it challenges the broken places in their own life.

They are playful in the Father’s love and tender toward others around them, even those they perceive to be their enemy.

Finding their well-being in him, they do not need to manipulate others for their own gain.

They are content with obscurity, finding a conversation way more fruitful than a seat on the stage or likes on their social media post.

They are learning to interact with God throughout the day—not just praying to him but following his nudges as well.

They find their confidence in God’s character, not by hoping he will change their circumstances for their desires.

They are learning to rest in the Father’s work, coming alongside him rather than trusting in human effort.

In reading these, don’t think you can hear them and try to apply them to your life. They don’t work that way. These are fruits of a growing fullness in your own relationship with Jesus. Let that flourish and you’ll see these and other attributes growing from there. I write them here so that when you recognize them in you, lean into them even when it challenges your comfort. In the long run, you’ll find no greater joy than letting Jesus take shape in the person he created you to be.

Arise, shine, for Jesus wants his glory to shine in you.

Wayne Jacobsen

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