Jesus...God's answer to sin, was, is and forever will be the ultimate sacrifice
for sin. His death and resurrection was sufficient for
sin...past...present...and future. What the ineffective and insufficient animal
sacrifices and the Mosaic Law of the past could not do, He did. He settled the
sin question and brings hope to the Community of Humanity and that hope is His
Grace solution.
Romans 5:20 assures us that where sin abounds, grace much more abounds.
Now...if Jesus believed in and loved people enough to be their hope, should we
as believers in Him offer people hope rather than judgement and
God's solution to sin was Jesus, Jesus solution to sin is Grace therefore,
the hope we should offer to the Community of Humanity is Jesus the Grace One and
His Grace message. There is no hope in trusting in our own efforts to be good by
keeping the law and obeying religious rules...if there was then Jesus died in
vain. Humanities hope is not the Law nor religion...It is Jesus.
The Community of the Redeemed would reveal God better to the Community of
Humanity if we stopped focusing on people's sin, their weakness and their
failures by becoming God-conscious rather than sin-conscious by abandoning our
futile attempts to be a law-keeper and religious rule-keeper and simply trust
and rest in the finished work of Jesus...His Grace...for that is the ONLY place
where power to gain and maintain a relationship with God is found. It is also
the only place where the power to forsake sin is found.
Being sin-conscious means we are focusing on the Law, which makes us
self-conscious because we take our focus of Jesus and focus on ourselves which
causes us to focus on our weakness, our shortcomings and our sinning and we end
up sinning more.
Being God-conscious is the only way to appropriate Grace-power to empower
us not to sin because we stop being sin-conscious, therefore we stop being
The answer to the struggle against sin is not more will-power to obey
religious rules and laws. The answer to the sin struggle is Jesus and His Grace
and the power for doing of the do's and not doing the don'ts flows from His
Grace power.
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