Paul begins his discussion in Romans 5 with
the following fine affirmation: Therefore, since we are justified by faith,
we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have
obtained access to this grace in which we stand (5.1-2). This new peace with
God, in light of the previous enmity and darkness of sin apart from the grace of
God (cf. Rom 3.9ff.), offers an entirely new vantage point from which to live
For instance, Paul goes on to say that Christians rejoice and boast
even in their sufferings (v. 3). How on earth could this be? In the first place,
it seems empirically false -- after all, how many Christians do we know that do
not rejoice but rather complain in their sufferings, even eventually abandon the
faith altogether? Yet Paul seems to affirm rather confidently that suffering
produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces
hope (vv. 3-4).
I think it would be mistaken to understand Paul's
language here as describing some kind of automatic process. The point is not
that if you're a Christian, suffering and hardship will automatically produce
hope, character, and endurance in you. We know that this is generally not true;
the natural reaction to hardship, at least for many people, is despair and a
kind of spiritual deflation. Presupposed is that the Christian voluntarily and
freely engages in hopeful endurance, that the Christian makes use of suffering
as an occasion for developing character.
My proposal is that Paul
understands the Christian to do all this because of her new standing before God,
thanks to Jesus Christ. Precisely because we have been justified by faith and
now have peace with God, we can and ought to approach suffering and hardship
differently than before. We find in hardship an occasion for soul-making, an
opportunity to develop our characters differently than we had previously
And we don't have any trouble hoping in God, because God's love
has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to
us (v. 5). We love God, we know that he has done something fantastic and
great for us in Jesus Christ, and so we can trust him. Paul later poses the
question: What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who
is against us? (8.31) Indeed, if God is for us, then what can mere
sufferings and earthly travails do to us? On the contrary, by the power of God
we can turn them into occasions for making ourselves more like Jesus Christ.
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