Without the Gospel there would be no Bible...BUT....Without the Bible there
still would be the Gospel...THEREFORE...That which makes the Bible the written
word of God is its witness to Christ and His Gospel because if there was no
Gospel there would be no Bible!
If the Bible is abused and misused to
prop up “another gospel” which according to Paul is not the Gospel at all, it
fails in being a witness to Christ therefore, we have wrenched it from being the
written word of God by misinterpreting it, and rendered it to a mere written
word of man.
If we are Spirit lead in our reaction to the truth in the
Bible, we without a doubt be drawn to Christ and our image of God will be as He
presents Him for He is God as a man expressing Himself to man.
We need to
be led and taught by His Spirit, who lives in the gospel, and then judge all
things by His Spirit...even the letter of Scripture.
If we do not allow
the Bible...the written word of God...to point us to...Christ the Living Word of
God ( the Gospel Giver) the Bible is not used in the service of the gospel nor
the service of Christ and the people misusing it will either find people mad (in
their opinion) or make them mad in order for them to accept that the Gospel is
Jesus and Paul both declared that apart from the Spirit it is
impossible to understand truth (John 16:13; I Cor. 2:14). This means that unless
we are Spirit led and Spirit fed we open ourselves up to “another gospel” and we
cannot understand or use the Bible correctly. Apart from the Gospel the Bible is
just written letters(gramma), not Spirit (pneuma). "The letter
kills, but the Spirit gives life. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the
Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom" (II Cor. 3:6,17).
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