The Believer’s life is a life that is lived IN CHRIST. That is to say, to allow HIM is to live HIS life through you is to live life as a Believer. The Gospel of Grace is not a works is relationship oriented. A Believer is a branch that grows out of the Vine (Jesus) and continually produces abundant fruit for the Husbandman. The true “Church” is a living organism, an observable reality, not man-made philosophies or set of teachings.
It is by Grace we received the Lord Jesus, It is by Grace continue to walk in relationship with the Lord Jesus. Receiving Christ is through the Grace Gate, and walking in Him is the Grace Path. A true Believer enters by the Grace Gate and walks the Grace Path. The Grace Path is not paved with man’s doings, it is paved with God’s doneness. Trying to mix man’s doings with God’s doneness implies dumbness, because it can’t be done and maintain the true Gospel.

Everything God has done, is doing, and will do is aimed at bringing us deeper into the fullness Christ. God is the One Who brings us through the Grace Gate, and God is the One Who leads us along the Grace Path. Everything God has done, is doing, and will do has the same purpose, and recognizing that purpose explains everything you have been through, everything you are going through, and everything you will go through.
Jesus is the One through Whom all things in God are initiated, and Jesus is the One through Whom all things of God find their purpose, their meaning, and their reason for being. Everything begins in Christ, everything proceeds in Christ, and everything ends in Christ. He is the Beginning, the In-Between as well as the End. Man did not do anything, cannot do anything and will not do anything to improve on God’s way!
Real spiritual growth and Grace living occurs when we realize that God has only one goal for us, and that is, the full, mature, complete, and experiential knowledge of Jesus Christ to where we allow Him to do His work through us as He works with us as the Community of the Redeemed to affect the Community of Humanity with kingdom reality. For that to be realized will depend on the extent that we remove our focus from “man-made-religion” with all its "religiosity" and focus wholly on Christ and His working through us.
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