Many of you have had some devastating circumstances last year that had you
feeling like your heart was being ripped out of your chest.
The storm
sank your hope-ship and also threatened to sink the lifeboat that you depended
on for survival? The wind, the waves of adversity, the surges of heartbreak
rolled, one after another. How did you survive? How did you pull through when
you were at weakest point?
Because, in the middle of your storm, you
heard a still small voice telling you that God provides sufficient grace for
this trial, and though you are weak He is always very strong.
I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ
may rest upon me... For when I am weak, then I am strong" (2 Corinthians
12:9-10). Well, here you are...present and accounted for, you made it through
the storm. The hard times, the unhealthy times and the hurting times revealed
your weaknesses, however, also during those times you experienced the strength
and faithfulness of God.
We often treat suffering like the plague.
Anytime anything painful comes at us, we want to avoid it. We spend our whole
lives trying to avoid anything that will hurt us or be hard on us. But there's a
better kind of life...a deeper, more fulfilling kind of life...that isn't about
avoiding every pain. It's about finding God faithful and powerful in the midst
of whatever pain you go through. and experience the presence of God riding
through the storm with you.
If we never had a problem, we would never
know that God could solve them.”
Let your hope and trust in God elevate
you to victory and learn the lesson He may want you to learn as you go through
the storm victorious.
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