The war is just one more trial of faith,
but we laugh at the idea of it hindering us. God is above all, and He will on
no account allow it to hinder us either as regards men, women or means. Always
advance. No retrenchment. Step out in faith and if it is a large step, then run
and jump in faith. Laugh at impossibilities. Every difficulty and obstacle is
but a call to go ahead. Open the throttle of the engine to the full every time
the devil waves the red flag of danger or the green flag of caution, and let's
go full steam ahead. We shall smash or jump over every one of the devil's
obstacles and rejoice the heart of our God by our trust in Him. We have not yet
made Him smile for joy at our faith. We must make Him laugh with a boisterous
joy at our faith in Him.
by C. T. Studd
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