Saturday, December 12, 2015

Deceiving Spirits

Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons (1 Timothy 4:1).
Today, the civilized world is facing a revival of the satanic cult of hypnotism and all other cultic practices. They are continuously promoted by television and the popular press, with bizarre ads appearing frequently in a variety of occult-slanted advertising, to raise the goose pimples of the dabblers in the unknown.

It ought to shock us to realize that our generation is spending millions of dollars seeking thrills and “truth” from soothsayers, fortune tellers, crystal gazers, clairvoyance, hypnotists, and mediums. In our social life, we are spending millions of dollars for anything that promises to tell us the future. America is on the brink of the pit of disaster into which the nation Israel fell when King Saul consulted a witch for advice. When man refuses to hear or obey the voice of God, inevitably, he is forced to seek some other voice to guide him. That other voice is the voice of the devil!

Your mind must not be clouded by fear and phobia. It must not be confused by conflicting ideas. It must not be yielded up to strange, psychic powers. At all costs, your mind must not be destroyed, because it is the seat of your will; the place where you must make all the proper decisions about how you should live, and prepare yourself to meet with God at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I urge you never to have your fortune told, never consult an astrologer about your future, never offer your mind to anyone who wishes to hypnotize you, never attend a meeting of oriental cults, but keep yourself pure and clean before God.

- Lester Sumrall

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