I am enough for
you. When you face difficulties and limitations, I will whisper into your
heart, “I am enough.” I will not shield you from every hardship, but I am
enough as you walk through them with your eyes set on Me. I am enough. I will
be your wraparound shield in the midst of your difficulty.
When you are lonely and seek companionship, I am enough. When your heart
is troubled over many things, you must bring your soul before Me, for I am enough.
When the lies men have spoken bring disturbance into your mind, I will wash
them away, for My Word is enough.
Your thoughts cannot contain the love I have for you. And you will never
be able to comprehend with your mind the plans that I have for you. Yet I am
enough, and all you need to know is that I am here for you.
My Spirit longs to satisfy every part of you: your mind, your soul, your
desires, your longings. When darkness comes, I am enough to see you through the
night. Many have found that, even in the deepest pain, I am still enough. Come
and learn the secrets of satisfying grace.
I am about to bring you into a place where you have never been before. A
place of contentment and peace that the world cannot impart. You will see how I
have prepared you all your life for this day of destiny. The coming season will
be extraordinary and filled with delight. Answers to your prayers that were
prayed long ago will be soon in coming. What looked like delay after delay will
make sense to you as the clouds part and the light of glory shines through.
You must know, My child, that I am enough. I am greater than your
dreams, greater than your plans, and greater than your thoughts could ever be.
Come and learn the secret that all My lovers learn: I am enough for you.
Thomas said to him, “Master, we don’t know where you’re going, so how
could we know the way there?” Jesus explained, “I am the Way, I am the Truth,
and I am the Life. No one comes next to the Father except through union with
me. To know me is to know my Father too. And from now on you will realize that
you have seen him and experienced him.”
Reflect on the idea that He is enough. In what areas of your life do you
especially need to hear Him whisper this today? List them out and allow His
satisfying grace to cover them.
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