Some skeptics claim that the story of the
virgin birth of Jesus is derived from similar stories from pagan literature.
While I won’t address here the details of the various parallels that some use
to argue this point—as it has been demonstrated by many scholars that they
simply don’t hold up to scrutiny—I will offer four reasons why I trust that the
Bible’s account of the virgin birth is trustworthy and thereby reject this
pagan-origin theory as bogus.
It’s extremely unlikely that the early
Christians who were largely first century, orthodox, Palestinian Jews would
borrow material from pagan stories. All the historical evidence indicates that
Palestinian Jews were strongly resistant to pagan stories and practices.
Unlike the pagan stories, the accounts that
are included in the Gospel were not about someone who lived “once upon a time,”
but someone who lived in the very recent past and in the region where the story
was originally being told. Even if the earliest Jewish Christians would have
been capable of incorporating pagan legends into their proclamation, it’s hard
to see how they could have plausibly done this while Jesus’ brother and mother
along with others who knew him were still alive. (I would argue that both
Matthew and Luke were written prior to 70 AD, but even if one accepts a later
dating of 70 to 90 AD this is still very close to the event by historical
standards. Plus, we must remember that the Gospel material was passed on and
protected orally before being written. On the importance of oral traditions in
non-literate cultures, see Eddy, Boyd, The Jesus Legend).
Unlike any other literature that contains
alleged supernatural conceptions, Matthew and especially Luke give us many
historical reasons for accepting their general historicity (here too, see The
Jesus Legend). The infancy narratives of Jesus in particular bear all the marks
of reports that go back to the earliest witnesses.
The alleged parallels of these pagan
stories to the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ conception are simply not very
impressive. There are, of course, numerous accounts of gods having sex with
each other to produce a divine mythic hero and even some accounts of a male god
having intercourse with a woman to produce a partly divine hero. But these
supposed parallels actually lack one key thing: virginal conception. The divine
or human females had sex! So far as I know, there are three possible exceptions
to this (Krishna, Buddha and the son of Zoroaster), but even in these accounts
it’s a stretch to say they parallel the Gospel accounts of a seed being created
ex nihilo and planted in the womb of a woman who had never had sex. In
addition, we have absolutely no historical reasons for thinking any of these
accounts is at all rooted in history or that the earliest Christians knew about
them – let alone borrowed from them.
Of course, none of this proves that Mary
supernaturally conceived Jesus while remaining a virgin. The nature of the
subject is that it’s impossible to prove (true or false). And, I should add
that my faith in Christ doesn’t hang or fall on the historicity of this
particular story. At the same time, I find I have many compelling historical
(as well as existential and philosophical) reasons for accepting the general
portrait of Jesus in the Gospels, and since the story of Jesus’ virginal
conception is part of this broader story, I believe it to be true.
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