I am weary of bearing them. So when you
spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide My eyes from you; yes, even though
you multiply prayers, I will not listen. --Isaiah 1:14, 15
We have been bombarded in America by
methods for accomplishing so many things: evangelism, child rearing, Bible
study, Scripture memory, church growth, building expansion, giving, and
counseling. There are myriad specialized ministries addressing how to reach the
businessman, the doctor, the neighbor, the moms, the dads, the internationals,
and more. It is astounding and reminds me of the story of the Indian visiting
the Christian bookstore in London. He had never before seen so many books in
one place! The owner, upon observing his awe, took him from category to
category, showing him all of the books written about the aforementioned
methods. At that, the Indian said, “When I see so many books I am left with
only one question: Do Christians not know how to do anything?” We must, in my
opinion, walk the way Jesus walked with God. He did not have a manual but
simply (though it does not initially seem simple for those of us living in this
world) kept His focus on the Father. He maintained that relationship and never
appeared to be at a loss for what to do in any given situation. If it were true
for Him, could it not be true for those of us who have believed in Him, for
those of us for whom He prayed, “that they may be one as We are One”? Try to
prepare for an upcoming situation and watch as it takes an unexpected,
unprepared for twist. Spend the day with an abiding awareness of Christ and
have His wisdom no matter what happens. The day spent working on methods to fix
a problem is not a day focused on Him. A believer can do one or the other.
Embracing the method means that of necessity He has been let go! The cost of a
how-to seminar is way beyond the registration fee paid, for it will cost a
believer both peace and readiness.
Many like to say we must be like Jesus, do
as Jesus did…of course, they are talking about the physical things He did. Very seldom do these people speak of HOW or
WHY Jesus did these things. Very seldom
is anything mentioned as to the way Jesus operated in His daily life. And then, along comes Michael pointing out an
astounding fact: “the way Jesus walked with God. He did not have a manual but
simply kept His focus on the Father.”
Think deeply on this…no manual (Bible today for us), just a focus on the
Father that enabled Him to never appear to be at a loss for what to do in any
given situation. Michael asks if this
could be true for us. What do you think? Can we do this?
1. We have the Holy Spirit indwelling us…we
have the Mind of Christ.
2. We are capable of keeping our focus on
the Father.
3. We are capable of maintaining our
fellowship with the Father so that He shares His wisdom willingly with us.
4. With His wisdom we are capable of never
being at a loss for what to do in any given situation.
5. With His wisdom…why would we go in
search of any method to take the place of Gods wisdom?
You are probably wondering what that
“significant observation” is that I mentioned in the introduction… “The day
spent working on methods to fix a problem is not a day focused on Him. Embracing the method means that of necessity
He has been let go!” Why would we ever
let go of Jesus to grab hold of a method?
How did we ever get so focused on method after method…instead of Christ
and the wisdom of the Father?
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