Thursday, March 24, 2016

To Solve Any Problem

Vision is never just about the direction that we are moving towards. It is also about the height at which we are expecting to travel.  Everything about being in Christ is concerned with elevation.

In Jesus, we are made vulnerable to an elevated perception so powerful that we are raised up to encounter and experience a Heavenly identity that governs any earthly circumstance.

To solve any problem, we must first get above it.

In example, we never deal with a negative directly. It comes at us from a lower level of existence than our placement in Christ. If we respond on the same level we become tethered to that thought and it’s oppositional perception. The impact of this on our mental and emotional state can work against our faith, trust and enjoyment of God.
The enemy wants us to deal with the negative thought. Jesus, on the contrary, wants us to capture the thought He is releasing to us in the experience and practice obedience to it in joy (2 Corinthians 10:3-7).

An elevated thought life will always lead to fullness.

It is vital we get above our situations so that we are not brought down to earth with a contrary viewpoint. If we try to deal directly with the negative, we become engaged in a fight we do not need to make. If our thinking has brought us to a place that we do not like, we must remember that there is a better thought that can elevate us.
That perspective will always bring us into a place of increase. Height in the Spirit connects our vision with Heavenly places. It attaches us to authority, power and dominion as a lifestyle of enjoying the majesty of Jesus.

Try this…

Write down each negative viewpoint that is troubling your life and relationship. What is the opposite thought that can capture you to a place of divine acceleration? Practice only dealing with the new thought and you will experience a fresh faith rising up that empowers you to realize the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!!

- Grahame Cooke

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