Birth Determines Identity
You can no more be a sinner saved by grace
than you can be a married single person. The instant a single person marries,
you might say that he “dies” as a single person and is “re-created” as a
married person. Birth always determines identity. When you came into Christ,
you instantly died as a sinner (Galatians 2:20). You were then reborn with a
new identity; you are now a saint of God (Romans 1:7). As a saint, you are
cleansed, and you now house the Holy Spirit of God in your new spirit (1
Corinthians 6:17; Romans 8:9). And let me caution you. God is not “playing
like” you are now a saint when, in fact, you are a grubby wretch. A dramatic
inner change transpired when you got saved.
You are literally a saint, or God
wouldn’t call you a saint 60 times after the cross. Paul addresses his epistles
to “all the saints,” never to “all the sinners saved by grace.” We’re saints,
Bill Gillham
What God Wishes Christians Knew about
Christianity, Harvest House, 1998
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