Friday, December 6, 2013

God's Timeless Time

There is no "after" after death.  Words like after and before belong to our mortal life, our life in time and space.  Death frees us from the boundaries of chronology and brings us into God's "time," which is timeless.  Speculations about the afterlife, therefore, are little more than just that:  speculations.  Beyond death there is no "first" and "later,"  no "here" and "there," no "past," "present," or "future."  God is all in all.  The end of time, the resurrection of the body, and the glorious coming again of Jesus are no longer separated by time for those who are no longer in time.

For us who still live in time, it is important not to act as if the new life in Christ is something we can comprehend or explain.  God's heart and mind are greater than ours.   All that is asked of us is trust.
- Henri J. M. Nouwen 

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