Saturday, December 28, 2013

Long Walk to Freedom

Watched "Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom". Very touching. Perpetrators of evil see themselves most clearly through the eyes of their victims. But if victims only see themselves through the eyes of their oppressors, they will in turn become oppressors. Both victims and those who injured them need a greater reference than one another to be free.

Jesus became one with victims, the ultimate innocent victim of unjust murder. In our identification with Him on that cross, we see evil for what it is - we see ourselves through the eyes of an innocent victim. But in His resurrection He deprives the murderer (humanity) of their victim. In our identification with Him in His resurrection, we see love for what it is - we see ourselves, not as victims demanding revenge, but as victors over evil, offering forgiveness. Unlike the blood of many innocent victims, His blood does not cry for vengeance, but for forgiveness.

We have all been victims and we have all been victimizers. Victims can become obsessed with their victimizers, and perpetrators of violence can become obsessed with their victims ... caught in hate and caught in shame. If we only see each other we will forever be caught in this circle of violence.

The message of Jesus breaks this circle of evil, by giving us a new reference for who we are. The victim is no longer a victim, if he or she chooses forgiveness instead of revenge. The victimizer no longer needs to live in the shame of his or her evil, as they receive forgiveness. Jesus introduces us to our true mirror - the God in who's image and likeness we were created, to reflect dignity, love and the courage to be our true selves in the midst of perversity.

Thank you Mandela and the many victims of violence in South Africa ... and across the world, for once again living the message of Jesus, offering forgiveness and rejecting revenge. Thank you for helping humanity rise above the perverted identities of victims and victimizers, and once again reflect our true humanity.

You have planted the seeds of a new community. I see a South Africa no longer caught in the cycle of violence, hate and shame. I see a world that wakes up to the basic message of Christ - love ... as you love yourself; love even your enemies. It is far beyond the political-correctness-message of tolerance ... for that will ultimately fail.
Love never fails.

- Andre Rabe

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