Monday, February 3, 2014

I Wonder What Would Happen

I wonder what would happen in the community of humanity if the community of the redeemed refused to be manipulated and controlled by the man-made religious system and its man-made doctrines and rules, and started living completely surrendered to Jesus, their Head and Teacher and lived for the purpose they were created?

I wonder what would happen in the community of humanity if the community of the redeemed responded to the love of God and demonstrated that love in life living! 

I believe it would affect change in the people of the world. We please God by knowing Him, loving Him and loving people. This is worship to God in "spirit and in truth". This is the true worship that is our reasonable service we are to honor God with.”

God did not redeem us to be so heavenly minded that we are no earthly good! 

God did not redeem us to be so sin conscious that we fail to be God conscious!

God did not redeem us to be His segregated body hiding in denominated name-tagged buildings called "church", He redeemed us to be His united body living in the community of humanity as He lives His life through us!

God did not redeem us for Sunday-programmed-event-driven meetings, He redeemed us to affect the community of humanity in our daily living as the Church!

God did not redeem us to put us in bondage to religion, He redeemed us for the freedom that is in Christ!

God did not redeem us to use Him as a fire escape, He redeemed us to have a loving relationship with us! 

God did not redeem us to bring earth's atmosphere to heaven, He redeemed us to bring heaven's atmosphere to earth!

God did not redeem us to judge and condemn people, He redeemed us to love and forgive  people!

God redeemed us to be His "united redemptive community" to the people of the world in the living of daily life.

- Glenn Regular

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