Saturday, February 1, 2014

Move from Being Spiritual Ordinary to Spiritual Extra-Ordinary

Many people are yearning for the extraordinary when it comes to their spiritual relationship. If we would excel at being ordinary in our spiritual relationship with God, that in itself would be extraordinary, and the ordinary would be realized as extraordinary by the community of humanity.

The ordinary that would be viewed as extraordinary by the community of humanity is:

Judging and condemning would be replaced by loving and forgiving.

Religious people's involvement with their own sect would be replaced by involvement with the community of humanity.

The submission to religious authority that religion has on the community of believers would be replaced by submission to Jesus as the Head of His community of the redeemed.

Segregation of Christ's body in denominated buildings called church would be replaced by unification of Christ's body as the community of the redeemed known as The Church.

The misuse and abuse of the bible used as a rule book for religious living would cease and the bible would be a love book that points us to Jesus for relationship living.

The priesthood of the religious hierarchy would be replaced by the priesthood of all members of the community of the redeemed.

The mixture of the law and grace gospel of religion would be replaced by the pure grace gospel that Jesus gave to Paul.

The bondage of religion would be replaced by the freedom that is in Christ.

This would move believers from what is spiritually sub-ordinary to what is spiritually ordinary, that would seem to be spiritually extraordinary not only for the community of humanity but also for the community of the redeemed.

- Glenn Regular

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