Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Inner Voice of Love Pt 2

Your unique calling

"You have to start trusting your unique vocation and allow it to grow deeper and stronger in you so it can blossom in your community. Look at Rembrandt and van Gogh. They trusted their vocations and did not allow anyone to lead them astray. With true Dutch stubborness, they followed their vocations from the moment they recognised them. They didn't bend over backwards to please their friends or enemies. Both ended their lives in poverty, but both left humanity with gifts that could heal the minds and hearts of many generations of people. Think of these two men and trust that you too have a unique vocation that is worth claiming and living out faithfully."

Henri Nouwen's reflection spurs me on to press into my unique calling with the confidence that God has uniquely gifted me and called me to a purpose which is beyond myself.

How are you doing at recognising, claiming and following your unique vocation? Are there negative voices with which you need to reckon in order to be free to follow God's calling? Do you have wise and encouraging voices speaking into your life and spurring you on to faithfully forge the path which is uniquely yours?

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