Sunday, March 20, 2016


Jesus Christ was the most dependent person who ever lived. Many fail to see it. They think of Him in His earthwalk as self-sufficient, when actually He was totally dependent on Another. “The Father abiding in Me does His works,” Jesus said (John 14:10). Thus, since our Father has dedicated Himself to the task of conforming us to the image of Christ (Romans 8:28-29), the circumstances of this planet are designed to bring the Christian to the end of his self-sufficiency. It is so liberating to view our troubles, humiliations, struggles, etc. as courses in the University of Earth that are designed for our best eternal good.

Stop fighting it, brother and sister. Give up all your “rights”, all talents, all abilities, all gifts, all the things you've depended on to get your need met for self-acceptance, self- reliance, etc. You'll love the results! You will find “abundant life” through allowing Him to express Himself through your talents, your abilities, your gifts, and your personality to do His will. That's the way Jesus walked. He let the Father do it through Him. (Acts 2:22)

Bill Gillham

Lifetime Guarantee, Harvest House, 1993, 140-145

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