Monday, March 7, 2016

God's Grace is Sufficient

Oh, dear friend, God's grace is sufficient for your situation. He wants to carry the burden of living for you. Won't you give up and let Him live through you? You don't need to wait for one single thing to be added to who you already possess if you know Christ as Savior. Just “take up your cross” and celebrate a good funeral for the “old man” He has already executed for you and then celebrate the birth of the new, victorious you who was born again in Christ (Ephesians 2:10) by beginning to live like who you are, a person who is totally dependent upon Jesus.

Testing times will come, but the one who is in charge of the “obstacle course” has designed it to motivate you to claim Christ as your strength. He will not allow it to destroy you. The “course” is specifically designed to conform you to the image of your lovely older Brother, Jesus. Relax in it. Rest in it. Keep your mind on Him. Our moment- by-moment battle is to fix in our minds that we are resting in heaven in Christ while simultaneously setting our minds to move through our daily tasks, believing that Christ is meeting them through us. We work at resting while we rest at working.

Bill Gillham

Lifetime Guarantee, Harvest House, 1993

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