Monday, April 4, 2016

Faith is a way of life

Faith is a way of life on planet Earth for both the lost and the saved. We flip switches and believe the light will come on, by faith. We place our faith in restaurant cooks that they will not poison our food. We have faith in the USDA seal of approval on our packaged food products, believing they’re fit for our consumption. We place our faith in total strangers, trusting that they will obey the red-light as we sail through on the green. We pump colored liquid into the car’s tank, trusting that a station owner whom we do not know is selling gasoline instead of amber water.

Oh, we have lots of faith; we continually walk by faith. Here’s something that many of us misunderstand: Faith never lets us down; the objects of our faith sometimes let us down.

Bill Gillham

What God Wishes Christians Knew about Christianity, Harvest House, 1998

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