Sunday, May 3, 2015

Dearest Lord Jesus

Dearest Lord Jesus,

I believe in You.

Thank You for giving your life for me.

Thank You for giving your life to me.

Thank you for taking my sin, guilt and shame on the cross.

I need You.

I need your grace to forgive me, and I need your life to live through me.

I gladly, but humbly, exchange my life for yours. . 

I thank You that my old sinful nature was crucified with Jesus.

I believe that I no longer live but Jesus now lives in me and through me as me.

I thank You that my spirit is now alive to God.

Please teach me that I cannot live FOR You, 

but I need to let You live your life through me.

Thank You that I am hidden in You and apart from You I can do nothing.

Thank You Jesus, my Christ, Son of the Living God.

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